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Cornell Library at Vermont Law & Graduate School

Comparative and International Environmental Law Research, Spring 2025: Journal Articles

Law Journal Articles

Options for locating law journal articles include:

International and Non-US Law Journals on HeinOnline
A collection of more than 1,500 journals that focus on international law, are not published in the United States, or both.

Law Journal Library on HeinOnline
Full runs of over 3,200 law reviews and law-related journals (also contains all of the articles in the International and Non-US Journal collection)

Law journals on Lexis and Westlaw
Thousands of law review articles from the 1980s to present.


Non-Law Journal Articles

To find articles that are published in journals from disciplines besides law, see:


Some good general starting points:

Journal Rankings

If you need to figure out how highly-ranked a particular journal is, here are some options:


Law Journal Rankings

W&L Law Journal Rankings
One of the definitive sources for law journal rankings. You can tweak the ratings a number of ways -- by subject, peer-review status, impact factor, number of citations per article, etc. Taking a moment to familiarize yourself with the different ranking criteria is HIGHLY recommended.


Other Disciplines

There are several sources of rankings of non-law journals. (Note that a specific journal will have a different rank on these different sources for a variety of reasons.) VLGS has access to a few of them:

All disciplines:


Specific disciplines:


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