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Cornell Library at Vermont Law & Graduate School

Perma.CC: at VLGS is a service that archives web pages for research purposes. Members of the VLGS community can save, manage, and annotate an unlimited number of web pages with persistent short links for citing. While the service was originally created to support scholarly publishing activities, it can also be used for teaching.

General Policies is intended for non-commercial scholarly and research purposes that do not infringe or violate copyright or other rights. Web pages to be archived must be freely accessible without payment or registration.

This means you should not use to archive copyright-protected content and paid sites such as online newspapers and periodicals, licensed journals in subscription databases, and other web content that is behind a paywall or that requires a user account for access. Please remember that some library-subscribed databases may appear to be free and not require a login if you are accessing them from the VLGS network. If you are not sure whether a document or site is protected, contact a librarian for assistance.

Requesting an Account

Contact Sarah Scully, Electronic Resources & Technology Librarian, to request a account. Your account will be created as part of the Organization for which you will be creating links. The Organization is like a department within the larger VLGS instance. If you already had your own account under your VLGS email address, it will now be affiliated with VLGS and your Organization.

Setting Up an Account

Once your account is created or migrated to the VLGS instance, you will have access to any links you create in the Personal Links folder. Personal Links are private and cannot be edited by other users, but do work as a permalink if posted on a website or shared directly.

Users can edit and delete their own links as well as links from others in their Organization if they are in the Organization folder. Use this power responsibly. Feel free to create sub-folders within your Organization if you have many links related to a specific topic or project. You can move or reorganize links by dragging and dropping them in the Folder view.

User Support

The website has additional details about the service and how to use it. If you have other questions, please contact Sarah Scully.

Electronic Resources & Technology Librarian

Profile Photo
Sarah Scully
Cornell Library, Campus Level
Library Homepage