Food and agriculture law and policy research involves delving into a variety of topics, including water quality and resources, land use, biotechnology, energy, health law, farm animals, agricultural business, food labeling, agritourism, food labeling, and climate change. Administrative law at both the federal and state level are especially important.
There are numerous ways to begin your research, depending on the issue at hand, the purpose of the research, and your knowledge and skills as a researcher. It is often best to start with secondary sources, such as books, journal articles, and news articles, which provide context on the subject you are researching as well as references to primary law. There are also numerous websites that provide background information and links to other resources. Take the time to develop an effective research strategy by brainstorming search terms and making a preliminary list of potentially useful primary and secondary sources. Also, be sure to keep track of your research so you know what you have already reviewed and what you eventually want to use.
The challenge is to locate relevant information in a timely and effective manner. This guide will lead you to many useful resources.
Research into agricultural or food law is rarely restricted to a single topic. Starting broad is a good idea at the beginning of your research. But the sooner you can narrow your search terms, the quicker you’ll begin to find meaningful sources related to your topic.
Some suggested search terms are noted below. Synonyms are also helpful.
The National Agricultural Library Thesaurus may also be helpful.