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Cornell Library at Vermont Law & Graduate School

Environmental Law, International Env't Law, Env'tl Justice: Articles

Use this guide to access the best resources available for environmental law research.

Environmental Law Review Articles

To locate environmental law review articles, which are scholarly, in-depth, and heavily foot-noted, such as the Vermont Journal of Environmental Law, use Westlaw, Lexis,  or HeinOnline. Another possibility is  SSRN (the Social Science Research Network) which contains a great many open-access law review articles.

Also, check out the Environmental Law Journals section  of the VLGS Environmental Law Research Sources (ELRS) database.

Environmental News Articles

To locate environmental news articles, consult our databases  including ClimateWire, EnergyWire, Environment & Energy Daily, GreenWIre, InsideEPA, or consult the Environmental News section   of the VLGS Environmental Law Research Sources (ELRS) database.

Practice Oriented Environmental Law Articles

To locate environmental law journal articles which differ from academic law review articles in that they are generally practical and practice-oriented, and often published by bar associations, use Westlaw, Lexis,or the HeinOnline database

Non-Law Environmental Articles

To locate environmental articles that do not specifically deal with the law, VLGS subscribes to a number of relevant databases  including  JSTOR,  Environment Complete, Statista,  GreenFILE, etc.

Locating full-text Articles

If you find a reference to a relevant article, but not the full-text of it, search for the title of the journal in JULIEN   to see if VLGS has access to it in print or electronically. 

If the journal is not listed in JULIEN, you can request a copy of the article through InterLIbrary Loan.

Additional Advice

You will find references to articles in a variety of sources. The recommendations of resources listed on this page are excellent suggestions. You may, of course, use other resources and strategies to your advantage.

Associate Professor / Environmental Law Librarian

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