Look for discussion that explains which parts of your research question have legal aspects.
You can search news sources, journal articles, and books. These materials may not be Vermont-specific, but might mention Vermont. Places to begin this research include:
Google - search across the entire internet; results may or may not be specific to your question.
Google Scholar - focus your search to academic and legal publications, and cases by jurisdiction.

Vermont Publications, Maps & Newspapers - a list of current publications, courtesy of VOGA, Vermont Outdoor Guide Association
JULIEN, the Vermont Law School Library catalog, contains books, law journals, and other reference materials. Physical books may be available via inter-library loan, or you can request specific excerpts or chapters. Send an email to clic@vermontlaw.edu to make a request.
Subscription Databases such as Westlaw, Lexis, HeinOnline, and Fastcase. Lexis is only available when the library building is open, but a library staff member can retrieve documents for you if you know the exact citation. HeinOnline is available with a video reference appointment, and Fastcase and Westlaw are available through a free trial program from CLIC. To request your Fastcase or Westlaw trial account, or to make an appointment to use HeinOnline, send an email to: clic@vermontlaw.edu.
For common legal tasks (such as filing for divorce, completing adoption, filing for bankruptcy, filing a complaint in Small Claims Court) there are general self-help books, such as the NOLO series. Browse titles in the CLIC reference library for relevant topics. If there is a book, specific chapter, or form you need, contact us by email to make a request: clic@vermontlaw.edu
1. Using a free search tool to find an article in a paid database available from CLIC.
Lucinda is looking for information about Vermont's new laws on hemp farming. She searches Google Scholar and finds this citation:
An Overview of Industrial Hemp Law in the United States. M Adesso, P Laser, A Mills - UDC/DCSL L. Rev., 2019 - HeinOnline
Lucinda doesn't have a login for HeinOnline, but remembers that a CLIC staff member can help her access that database. She sends a request for a reference appointment to clic@vermontlaw.edu During the video reference session, Lucinda is able to access HeinOnline to download a copy of the article, and locate other documents.
2. Using a free search tool to find an article in a paid database that CLIC does not have access to:
Dwayne searched for the term "employment contract" and found this document:
The new employment contract by Gary D. Kissler. Human Resource Management. 1994
This is a paid article available for a fee through the publisher Wiley Online, but CLIC does not have access to this database. Dwayne can either pay for the article himself, request it via his local library's inter-library loan service (which may be free to use), or decide that he would rather look for other documents that are available without a fee.
3. Using a free search tool to find an article on a website that has free trial access for individuals.
Marcia did a general web search for "divorce" and found this newspaper article:
Deciding Who Gets to Live in the Family Home During a Divorce. New York Times. August 29, 2020
Marcia accessed the full text of the article by registering for a free trial account with the New York Times online.