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Cornell Library at Vermont Law & Graduate School

Vermont Law Research: Vermont Administrative Law

Vermont Law legal research guide highlighting free electronic resources as well as print format and subscription options

Vermont Regulations

Vermont regulations are published in the Code of Vermont Rules, which includes portions of the Vermont Administrative Procedure Act relating to rulemaking as well as an index called the Guide to Vermont Rules.


The Code of Vermont Rules (1989-) and it's companion, the Vermont Government Register (1991-), are published by Matthew Bender.

Prior regulatory materials were documented in the State of Vermont Administrative Procedures Compilation (1974-80), as well as the Vermont Regulations Annotated Looseleaf (1979) published by Fox Publishing Co..


Vermont Administrative Agencies

State Agency Annual Reports are available at the Vermont State Library.

For more information about Vermont’s administrative agencies see:

Vermont state government since 1965 / edited by Michael Sherman.  Burlington: University of Vermont, 1999.

Andrew Edgerton Nunquist & Edith W. Nuquist. Vermont State Government and Administration. Burlington: University of Vermont, 1966.

For data compilations produced by Vermont State Agencies, see American Library Association's Government Documents Round Table's (ALA GODART) Vermont State Agency Databases webpage.

Vermont Administrative Decisions & Documents

Executive Orders are published in the Vermont Government Register as well as the appendix to Vermont Statutes Annotated – Title 3Current Executive Orders signed by the Governor are also available from the Governor’s Office   

Additional Vermont tax resources can be found at the VLS library in the Vermont Tax Reporter: State and Local

Vermont Attorney General opinions 1904-2010 appear in the Biennial Report of the Attorney General of the State of Vermont. Select Attorney General opinions 2000- are published electronically.

The Vermont Agency of Administration hosts a Transparency Portal, called SPOTLIGHT.  This site links to financial (and other) documents regarding the State's activities. 

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