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Cornell Library at Vermont Law & Graduate School

Vermont Law Research: Vermont Legislative History

Vermont Law legal research guide highlighting free electronic resources as well as print format and subscription options

Resources for Vermont Legislative History Reseach

Vermont legislative history materials other than bills (such as hearings, debates, and committee reports) are often limited. Most committee hearings are audio taped and transcripts are only prepared when requested by the committee. More recent materials may be available from the Vermont Legislative Council.  Older materials, including written committee minutes beginning with 1917, are located at the Vermont State Archives.

Additionally, the Vermont Legislature's YouTube channels offer video testimony and debates along with the functionality to generate a transcript.

Secondary Sources for Vermont Legislative History

Vermont Bills

Free electronic access to bills

Print format access to bills

  • Legislative Council (1985-) Select Bill files are available from the Legislative Council and they consist of the records of legislative draftsmen who worked on specific bills. The records may include drafts of committee reports or amendments; summaries; research documents; and copies of committee records.

Vermont Bill Histories

Histories for each bill passed by the General Assembly may be found in the House and Senate Journals and Calendars.

Electronic availability is accessible via Vermont State Archives links.

Vermont.  General Assembly, Journal. 1800-1835.

Published by Haswell (Bennington) 1800-1808, Fay (Rutland) 1809-1811, Eaton (Danville) 1812-1814, Spooner (Windsor) 1815-1817, Haswell 1818-1820, Fay 1821, Walton (Montpelier) 1822, Dolittle (Bennington) 1823, Fay 1824, Haswell 1825, Fay 1826, Colton (Woodstock) 1827 through 1831, Eaton 1832-1833, Fay 1834.


Vermont. General Assembly. House of Representatives. Journal. 1936-  Annual 1836-1839, Biennial 1870-1919, Annual 1920-.


Vermont. General Assembly. Senate. Journal. 1836-Montpelier etc.: Annual 1836-1839., Biennial 1870-1919, Annual 1920-.


Journals and Proceedings of the General Assembly of Vermont… with Explanatory Notes. In separate parts extracted from Vol. III of the State Papers of Vermont; Parts I-IV edited by Walter H. Crockett, parts V-VII edited by Marlene B. Wallace and John A. Williams. Montpelier: Secretary of State.


Vermont. General Assembly. House of Representatives. House Calendar. Annual, 1968-.


Vermont. General Assembly. Senate. Senate Calendar. 1978-.

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