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Cornell Library at Vermont Law & Graduate School

Vermont Law Research: Current Legislation

Vermont Law legal research guide highlighting free electronic resources as well as print format and subscription options

Vermont Codes

Codes, or codified statutes, include the current laws arranged topically

Free electronic access to unannotated Vermont statutes

Vermont Legislature (current)

LexisNexis (current)

Annotated codes, available throuigh electronic subscriptions or print format subscriptions

Vermont Statutes Annotated. Charlottesville, VA: LexisNexis, 1958-.

West's Vermont Statutes Annotated: using the classification and numbering system of the Vermont Statutes as amended. St Paul, MN: Thomson West, 2007-.

Vermont House Chambers

Legislation in progress

Vermont Session Laws

Session Laws include revisions or newly enacted laws arranged chronologically

Free electroinc access to Vermont session laws

Vermont Legislature (1993-)

Print format Vermont session laws are located in

Acts and Resolves Passed by the General Assembly of the State of Vermont Montpelier: Secretary of State, 1851- (Spine title Laws of Vermont).  They include public acts, resolutions, municipal acts, and executive orders.

Older Vermont sessions laws

by subscription through HeinOnline or on microfiche (1779-)

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