Most subscription databases at the Vermont Law and Graduate School are restricted to Vermont Law and Graduate School students, faculty, and staff. For access assistance, contact
In conjunction with the Vermont State Library the Vermont Law and Graduate School library offers on-site Westlaw and Lexis access for walk-in use by the public. See the Community Legal Information Center webpage for more details.
Vermont materials available through subscription based legal research platforms are consistent with state material on those platforms available generally for the 50 United States. The specific content and features vary as highlighted below.
Lexis+ provides access to U.S. federal and state law sources and sources of international law and the laws of a growing number of other jurisdictions. Sources vary by jurisdiction, but may include constitutions, legislation, legislative history, statutory codes, regulations, regulatory materials, cases, case digests, citators, public records, law reviews, treatises, and general and legal news.
Like Westlaw and Lexis, vLex offers comprehensive access to U.S. case law, statutes, regulations, court rules, and constitutions. In addition, vLex offers access to some court docket materials: briefs, motions, pleadings and opinions from select cases and court systems, as well as news and scholarly law review articles.