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Cornell Library at Vermont Law & Graduate School

Legislative History Research (Federal): *Compiled Legislative Histories*

Compiled Legislative Histories

Compiled Legislative Histories pull together all or most of the documents that make up a Legislative History. 


Compiled Legislative Histories  can be found in a number of resources  including those recommended and listed below.


Westlaw provides the following:

U.S. GAO Federal Legislative Histories  1921-1995  Legislative histories for many public laws enacted from 1921 to 1995, including the text of laws, bills, committee reports, Congressional Record documents, transcripts of hearings, and other documents, in pdf format.

Arnold & Porter Legislative Histories  A selection of  30+ Legislative Histories compiled by a law firm based in Washington, D.C. 

Legislative History Page lists together, in one place, all of the legislative history documents available on Westlaw.

Lexis Advance

Lexis provides the following:

Legislative Histories page lists together, in one place, all of the legislative history documents available on Lexis Advance.



U.S. Federal Legislative History Library Includes compiled legislative histories for a large number of laws, including: APA, ESA, CWA, CAA, NEPA, Safe Drinking Water Act, Anti-Dumping Act, Coastal Zone Management Act, etc. 

Sources of Compiled Legislative Histories Database  is not consistent in  what it includes for each law, but can include text of legislative history documents, a list of the documents that exist, other information, and/or links to relevant  journal articles.                        . 

ProQuest Congressional

ProQuest Congressional: 1969 -   Access to compiled legislative history information.  Contains many but not all  full-text  documents for every legislative history listed. Recent legislative histories are more likely to include  full-text. 

Physically in the VLS LIbrary

To see if a compiled legislative history is available in print in the VLS library, look in JULIEN and search for: Legislative History and the Name of  the Act.

Also check WorldCat to see if a full legislative history is available in print and available at another library. We may be able to borrow it for you through Interlibrary Loan. 

Law Librarians' Society of Wash. D.C.

The Law Librarians' of Washington, D.C. provides:

Legislative Sourcebook Includes links to Legislative Histories and a great deal of related and useful material. 

Legislative Histories of Selected U.S. Laws on the Internet: Free Sources

Legislative Histories of U.S. Laws on the Internet: Commercial Sources


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